Industrial Sensors

For over 50 years, Setra has been producing high quality, robust, and reliable industrial sensors in the USA. With a wide range of pressure measurements from 0.5 PSI up to 30,000 PSI, Setra’s industrial sensors boast a variety of features and are customizable to fit the needs of any application.

On-Demand Videos

Most Durable, Reliable, and Accurate Industrial Pressure Transducer in Action - Model AXD

Most Durable AXD Thumbnail


From Setra Systems Accusense™ Products: The Model AXD™ Pressure Sensor

AXD Video Thumbnail


Industrial Market Trends

Industrial Market Trends Thumbnail


Additional Resources

Setra AXD™ Industrial Pressure Sensor

The Accusense™ Model AXD industrial pressure sensor is designed for Industrial and OEM customers who require high performance, reliability and versatility at an affordable price. It offers exceptional ±0.25% FS accuracy for pressure ranges as low as 1 PSI up to 10,000 PSI to meet a multitude of demanding applications. The Model AXD features all stainless steel wetted materials 17-4PHSS when ordered as "AXD1" or 316LSS when ordered as "AXDH".



Setra Model 239

Setra’s Model 239 is the “standard” for measuring low differential pressure in the Test & Measurement industry. Decades worth of installations have helped the 239 build a reputation of reliability and remains the trusted choice for critical installations, such as ventilator testing during COVID-19.

Have a project or specific question? Reach out to us!
Why Trust Setra

Setra Systems, Inc. was founded in 1967 and was a pioneer of variable capacitance technology. Building on this heritage of innovation, we continue to design and deliver sensing devices and solutions for many diverse applications and industries.


Over 50 years of engineering excellence


Millions of installs


Made in the USA


98% on time delivery