How to Select an Intrinsically Safe Pressure Transducer

Learn about intrinsic safety and intrinsically safe pressure transducers


Engineers selecting pressure transducers in hazardous industries must make one more significant consideration beyond performance, reliability and stability—they must specify units with intrinsically safe circuits. These circuits must be used wherever there are combustible gases, vapors, liquids, dust, and/or fibers.

This paper discusses what industries and applications require intrinsically safe systems and the technical considerations for specifying an intrinsically safe pressure transducer.

This whitepaper covers:

  • Intrinsically Safe Applications
  • What to Look for in an Intrinsically Safe Pressure Sensor
  • Zener Safety Barriers
  • Certifying Organizations
  • Hazardous Areas—Class, Division, and Groups

Complete the form to learn more about selecting intrinsically safe pressure transducers.

Zener Safety Barriers
Certifying Organizations
Hazardous Areas—Class, Division, and Groups

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