Setra Blog

Types of IPv6 Addresses

Written by Coleman Brumley | September 09, 2021

Unlike the 32-bit addresses of IPv4, IPv6 addresses are 128-bits. These longer addresses are partitioned into 16-bit bocks; then, each of these smaller blocks is turned into a 4-digit Hexadecimal number. Built into IPv6 addresses is notation identifying the application it will be used for. The first 64-bits of the address are for routing and the last 64-bits represent the interface or node.

An example of an IPv6 address is:


Different techniques can be used to shorten IPv6 addresses. The most common shortening method is to exclude repeating zeros. Two blocks of just zeros in a row can be noted with two colons instead. Also, any zeros starting a block can be left out of notation.

An example of a shortened IPv6 address is:


Address Types

  • Unicast addresses are for individual devices
  • Multicast addresses are for a group of devices on the same network
  • Anycast addresses are for a group of devices in multiple locations sharing one destination IP address

Special Addresses

There are also special addresses for IPv6. Global unicast addresses are the IPv6 equivalent of IPv4 public addresses; they are both unique and globally identifiable. Link-local addresses are used for IPv6 hosts communicating on a link. Unique-local addresses are globally unique but are designated for local communication only.

IPv6 and Setra Power Meter

All of Setra’s Power Meters now support IPv6 as well as BACnet Addendum 135-2012aj, which covers Annex U, the BACnet/IPv6 section of the standard. Not only are Setra Power Meters the best hardware available today, but by supporting IPv6 they future-proof networking needs for energy management.